VampireHottie Co-ops In Phasmophobia


Phasmophobia is taking the gaming world by storm. VampireHottie is just one of many that’s having fun co-oping and she’s on cam while the tries to collect as much information about the ghosts at hand as possible. She looks pretty cute but she’s not feeling particularly well because I catch her right when she loses the round and she starts talking to her teammates about future strategies. Rocking just a plain t-shirt, she’s busy getting herself into the game and starting over again to finally catch the ghosts on stream.

As an avid fan myself, I’m very much excited to see where VampireHottie takes the rest of the game and how she plans to win. That’s why I’m in the first rows watching her kick ass!

VampireHottie Co-ops In Phasmophobia

VampireHottie Co-ops In Phasmophobia

♡ MFC Cam Model ♡ NSFW! (18+) Gamer | Twitch Streamer | Weirdo | Internet Nerd | Vampire


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