Two Worlds Collide For Cosplay Erotica’s Gogo And Marilyn


I have always been a fan of good crossovers, especially when it includes my favorite video games. Thanks to Cosplay Erotica, I can now experience the bravery, nobility and abilities of Marilyn’s Aela the Huntress and the Spartan mercenary Kassandra cosplayed by Gogo. They are facing off against each other in a powerful duel and they both look incredible as they wield their weapons.

Marilyn stuns as Aela as she swings the hammer in Kassandra’s direction who’s encapsulated wonderfully by Gogo as she crouches down to return the attack with her sword. Shot after shot, the two are pictured switching their weapons and positions while they fend one another off in this incredibly action-packed gallery. Check out Cosplay Erotica‘s website to see more universe-mixed, action-packed cosplay content!

Two Worlds Collide For Cosplay Erotica’s Gogo And Marilyn

Two Worlds Collide For Cosplay Erotica’s Gogo And Marilyn

Two Worlds Collide For Cosplay Erotica’s Gogo And Marilyn

Two Worlds Collide For Cosplay Erotica’s Gogo And Marilyn

Kassandra (458 or 453 BCE – 2018 CE), also known as the Eagle Bearer, West Wind, or Keeper, was a Spartan mercenary who fought during the Peloponnesian War.

Aela the Huntress is a Nord werewolf, thief and member of The Companions. She is one of five members of The Circle. Residing in Jorrvaskr with the other Companions, Aela offers lycanthropy deep into the faction’s questline.


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