AshleyyLovee’s Halloween Candy Sweetness


AshleyyLovee has her streaming room decorated all spooky for Halloween. Clown fetish fans, rejoice because AshleyyLovee also is rocking the white face makeup under her blue hair tonight. She looks so cute in her sexy red and white funster outfit. Everyone congratulate her because she also just finished school and made dean’s list almost every semester. Congrats, AshleyyLovee! She has a number of ingenious prizes you can get from her this Halloween month. I’m just going to say the orange and black October (Ashtober!) autumn lollipops she has on hand have that extra special secret ingredient. It is free tonight to set up a profile to ask her what the secret ingredient is and join the conversation with everyone hanging out with her now.

Username: AshleyyLovee
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 110 pounds
Height: 67 inches
Age: 24
Tags: new, naughty, feet, flirty, cute, sexy, blonde, blue eyes, young, sweet, amateur, new, smile, natural, friends, hot, shy, long legs, student


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