SpoonofSyrop Does An Excellent Asuka Langley


Looks like the Second Child SpoonofSyrop has decided to bring herself into frame tonight. The pilot of the Evangelion Project is looking to get a chilled night in and let the badass action get handled by somebody else. Not to miss the mark though, she’s still in her complete outfit, with the red practically bleeding on screen from the uniform. The ginger hair is flowing effortlessly on screen as she’s looking over in the room in her gadget-filled outfit, complete with all the accessories and panels across her body.

If you wanna head on a mission with SpoonofSyrop‘s Asuka Langley then head right into her room right now and start making plans on how to save the universe! She is ready and waiting for her new instructions!

SpoonofSyrop Does An Excellent Asuka Langley

SpoonofSyrop Does An Excellent Asuka Langley

SpoonofSyrop Does An Excellent Asuka Langley

Birth Date:May 10, 2001
I am:Female
Interested In:Men, Women, Trans, Couples
Last Broadcast:58 minutes ago
Smoke / Drink:Sometimes
Body Decorations:tattoo


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