Beautifully Created Bottle Miku Cosplay


Photoshopped vs. SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) which side are you on? Personally, I think there shouldn’t be any sides at all. There are instances where the photos would be dashing without the slightest rendering, but I also believe that some creations look even more striking with the added digital effects that can be so difficult to recreate as a prop or a physical element.

Take this cosplay photo by Kisakiurumi. This is a cosplay of Hatsune Miku – Bottle Miku version, which was created by PAR from Pixiv. The concept is surrealist but beautiful. Obviously something like this would most certainly be a no go to cosplay during actual events. Most might not even think of it as an option. It’s either something that you wouldn’t really think of recreating or something you will fail at recreating physically. But this one of Kisakiurumi reminded me that expressing your fandom through cosplay is not only limited to cosplaying in actual events but also extends to other mediums such as photography. Sometimes it can’t be all about SOOC, sometimes a good cosplay photo also needs some digital art and post processing done to go with it to make it complete.


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