Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Takes Her Battle Stance As Kunimitsu


There’s nothing better than sitting down after a long day and playing a Tekken game. I never quite know which character to choose each time I turn one of the games on, but thanks to Devorah’s incredible take on Kunimitsu, I might have found me a new favorite fighter! Yes, Cosplay Erotica have once again taken a classic character and helped it come to life with one of their stunning photo shoots. The red-haired master of Ninjutsu looks to be in top form as her various battle stances show off her fierce skills. The floral decorations on the purple side-tie dress are as stylish as I remember them being in the game and my jaw drops to the floor every time I look at those white boots and that gorgeous and elegant mask she wears!

Kunimitsu is known for her excellent thieving skills and today Devorah certainly managed to steal my heart with her exquisite look. There are plenty of other characters to see in Cosplay Erotica’s line-up of fighter, too!

Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Takes Her Battle Stance As Kunimitsu

Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Takes Her Battle Stance As Kunimitsu

Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Takes Her Battle Stance As Kunimitsu

Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Takes Her Battle Stance As Kunimitsu

Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Takes Her Battle Stance As Kunimitsu

Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Takes Her Battle Stance As Kunimitsu

Cosplay Erotica’s Devorah Takes Her Battle Stance As Kunimitsu

Kunimitsu is a former member of the Manji Party thieves guild. Kunimitsu was denounced from the group by its leader, Yoshimitsu, when [she] stole for her own personal interests, going against the Manji Party’s principles. Even after her expulsion from the Manji Party, she perused working as a thief, indulging her fancies; she’s an ill redeemable rogue.


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