QuinnGray And Lara Croft Are A Great Team


Take a skillful gamer like QuinnGray and a brave heroine like Lara Croft. Pair them up together and the result is one amazing and unstoppable team! QuinnGray has grabbed her controller to do a bit of Tomb Raiding once again as she shows off her adorable look. A pink hat with pink kitty ears on top and psychedelic looking T-shirt depicting what looks like a three-eyed wolf – it’s not an outfit I could see Lara Croft wearing, but it is perfect for QuinnGray.

QuinnGray was busy jumping and rolling her way through obstacles until coming face to face with a little river puzzle. I’m sure this and other puzzles stand no chance against the combined forces of this gamer babe and the tomb raiding legend that is Lara Croft.

QuinnGray And Lara Croft Are A Great Team

QuinnGray And Lara Croft Are A Great Team

QuinnGray And Lara Croft Are A Great Team

Singer | Makeup Chick | Cat Lover #cornbreadfed


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