QuinnGray Explores Los Santos


Ah shit, here we go again. Looks like we are indeed back in southern San Andreas and with the help of QuinnGray, up to no good as usual. Are you looking to get yourself a jet for the day? How about going around the city with a rocket launcher to have some fun? Maybe get yourself chased by a police helicopter to get the fun going? I’m sure QuinnGray will accommodate you during her journey this evening with any of the characters in the game and you can get together to perform some fun tricks along the way too.

She’s definitely up for some mischief tonight which means you gotta visit her room right now and see what kind of shenanigans she is up to.

QuinnGray Explores Los Santos

QuinnGray Explores Los Santos

QuinnGray Explores Los Santos

Singer | Makeup Chick | Cat Lover #cornbreadfed


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