It’s Been A While, PSG!


It’s been a while since I saw a cosplay from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt or PSG. It came out in 2010 and it’s probably one of the weird and comedic anime released that year. Despite its popularity for its bizarre themes and it obviously was not for children, I guess the hype had died down and it’s been less talked about as years went by.

This cosplay of the character, Panty, by the Chinese cosplayer named Shell is a different from the usual doe-eyed overly exposed when it comes to lighting type of portrayal of her that usually littered social media. Cosplays tend to attract attention towards the cosplayer and the show she is cosplaying from. Now, thanks to this cosplay, I am pretty sure that there will be people who are either going to remember PSG or are just about discover PSG. Either way, I hope they enjoy the show as much as the people who liked bizarre anime do.


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