Silk by Clint and Jilian Cosplay


This is probably one of my favorite new female characters from Marvel Comics – sexy Silk (Cindy Moon) from The Amazing Spiderman. Revived by Florencia Sofen aka Jilian Cosplay, the whole outfit and environment proves that she will be the perfect person for acting Spiderwoman because she has that “Spiderman face”, don’t you think?

“We’re going to work again with It’s hero’s time because it is one of the best things we did! And, this time, with Spider Bite Designs too.”

This is a great cosplay and photos, we admit it. You, Florencia, look really sexy and outstanding and your costume is really beautiful.

Not to mention that the background goes perfect with this outfit!

This cosplay duo is really dedicated to their work, with no doubts. So if you want to find out more, visit their Deviant Art and Facebook page.

Photos were taken by Clint and Jillian Cosplay & Photography.


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