Awoken Hunter by Nebulaluben Cosplay


Now this is awesome!

We present you the female Awoken Hunter from Destiny revived by the great Spanish cosplayer Nebulaluben.

“My new Destiny costume! Since the very first concept I saw I wanted to make one. Thanks to Activision and Bungie for this opportunity because the costume is made by me, in collaboration with them.”

What a fantastic job on this cosplay! You really look perfect as a Guardian from Destiny!

A very detailed costume, excellent shots, great make up and hair.

And that gun…niceee.

“I’ll spend my weekend dressed as my guardian in Madrid Games Week.”

We believe you, this is so awesome costume that everyone who like this character would wear it all day, all night.

If you want to see more of this great Spanish girl. Visit her Facebook, Deviant Art and Twitter and enjoy in her amazing work.

Photos were taken by JLMFotografo.


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