Kit_Katterson Is Hungry For Some Human Brain


Are those Kit_Katterson‘s guts hanging out of her stomach as she just chats away to everyone in the chat? Looks like it and I am definitely hooked onto her room now. She has done a marvelous job at giving us a teaser of her zombie inspired look on this Halloween night, complete with all the green hue, holes, blood and gore that she could do and man, she did a stellar job. Her face is cut open and her throat is slashed as some blood is running down her neck from all the battles she possibly has had but the focus definitely goes on her stomach as her guts are practically on the outside of her! Hey, you gotta give credit where it’s due.

Humans everywhere, be wary of Kit_Katterson and her zombie self cause she is feeling peckish and you may be her next meal!

Kit_Katterson Is Hungry For Some Human Brain

Kit_Katterson Is Hungry For Some Human Brain

Kit_Katterson Is Hungry For Some Human Brain

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