‘Tis Time To Visit Scarlett_Vera In Her Cabin O’ Booty


Yarrr! Ahoy, mateys! ‘Tis the season to plunder, to look for treasure, to be on the look out for some booty. Scarlett_Vera is captain of our new ship as we move forth to greater adventures. ‘Tis International Talk Like A Pirate Day and this lass has taken her obligations for the day seriously. Looking quite delicious in just a simple bra and some panties, her pirate hat is all she needs to lead this ship to greater things and bigger quests. Her fellow feline, the scoundrel in chief of the pets is right by her side as she sets course for one big adventure ahead.

Shiver me timbers, ’tis time to board and join Scarlett_Vera‘s crew as we grab ourselves some booty for the cabin.

'Tis Time To Visit Scarlett_Vera In Her Cabin O' Booty

'Tis Time To Visit Scarlett_Vera In Her Cabin O' Booty

'Tis Time To Visit Scarlett_Vera In Her Cabin O' Booty

Hi. I’m Scarlett 🙂 My first stream was on October 5th, 2015 and I’ve been in love with it ever since! I was born and raised in Utah; the mountains and scenerey is really what keeps me here. My life has been a crazy journey so far and I share plenty of my stories on cam. I enjoy music, art, shopping, eating, and the outdoors. My never-ending mission is to learn, grow, and be true to myself. I love meeting new people so don’t be afraid to say hello!


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