Stunning Mermaid Cosplay by Arsulu the Seawitch


Mermaids are one of those mesmerizing mythical creatures of the sea that many would want to see but fear to be near with. While many people have opened up their hearts for the existence of these mesmerizing creatures, thanks to Disney‘s Princess Ariel; others still consider them SCARY for the mysteries surrounding them and the scary myths spreading about them. The myths about them being associated to calamities and disasters, and mesmerizing seafarers and preying on them, for example.

Amidst all of these myths about mermaids, behold Arsulu the Seawitch‘s stunning mermaid cosplay. This is actually one of the most creative mermaid cosplays I have ever seen as the tails you see doesn’t really resemble the tail of a fish in entirety. If you would look closely, the white one is painted with white feathers and gold embelishments while the other is painted with the same pattern as a butterfly’s wings.


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