Protobyrn’s Chilling Bane Batman Cosplay


Where to begin with this wonderful cosplay? Protobyrn got the ball rolling with an obvious dedication to making sure he got the costume right, channeling Tom Hardy’s famous portrayal in The Dark Knight Rises. The mask especially looks great here, and it apparently wasn’t that easy to pull off (see quoted section at the bottom of the post). But what makes this cosplay truly great is the strategic lighting in the photoshoot by Chris Cournoyer, providing potent contrasts of light and shadow that really speak to the mysterious quality floating around Bane. This Bane is clearly ready to occupy Gotham and then take over the world from there.


Mask was from china and was realistically the worst piece. That cheap rubber didn’t look that good and was suffocating. Luckily a friend of mine tailors and makes costumes and she spruced it up, made it look better, and helped punch more holes in it to breathe.

Pants had to order from Europe as all the one’s that you can get from the US look like a teacher in high school had there home ec class attempt to make bane pants for their first time sowing assignment.

The vest was from pakistan and got to me the day before my costume 5k. Only problem was the leather looked way to new and the colors were to vibrant…..sooooo at 1 in the morning i found a gravel and dirt trail/hill and basically danced on my vest to ground the gravel and dirt in and scar up the leather.

The leather arm guard was the only piece from the US.

The boots I just already owned from paramedic training.

I thought the costume looked decent, but my friend Chris Cournoyer really brought it to life with the photo shoot he did. For some of his other work you can visit he’s currently re-uploading his portfolio as it was originally to cluttered to really give a good impression he felt.

We got a good laugh out of how my face looked when I took the mask off. The lines would stay there for almost 30 minutes.


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