Simple and Beautiful Artoria Pendragon and Jeanne d’Arc Cosplay


The “Fate/” series is notoriously known for its huge number of dedicated fans. Fans who make fan arts, fanfiction, comic stories, fans who cosplay; and on special occasions, fans who live their lives according to the show’s principles and sometimes act like the characters themselves (go figure) to a point.

While cosplaying is indeed fun, I believe a better way is there to enjoy it with friends and share the experience of walking through the convention halls together or even doing photoshoots together. This is something that I love about cosplay, it’s not an exclusive hobby and everyone can join in and have fun together. Some people even form cosplay groups or communities together.

Babanko and Sophia’s cosplay of Artoria Pendragon and Jeanne d’Arc alter from Fate/Grand Order is a perfect example of a cosplay that is well enjoyed. Some people choose to cosplay characters because of the impact of the costumes with its details, colors, or huge weapons, but here, we see they chose characters have simple clothes on. These two girls proved that there are times you don’t need led lights, armor, or intricate sewing patterns to have fun.


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