The Spider Stare


I thought big racks are the only things to love. But boy was I mistaken when I saw this cosplay. It’s already common for female cosplayers to cosplay spiderman, I can see a bunch of them in cosplay conventions and they’re so-so I just want to talk about this since this cosplayer and photographer deserves my and your attention. Today we will be talking about our friendly neighbour Spiderman.

You’re weird af if you do not know spiderman, I mean everybody knows spiderman and most people wants to be like spiderman with those fast reflexes and web slinging who the hell wouldn’t? Imagine swining you’re way to work or school and having those fast reflexes for P.E. class and other sports activities will surely earn your hots to the girls but going back, I’ll just give a brief description of who Spiderman is.

Peter Parker is just a regular teenage highschool boy you would see in every school, by this I mean, that boy who studies the fudge out – the NERD then during a fieldtrip he was bitten by radioactive Spider which gave him incredible abilities. He gained the ability to cling to walls, superhuman strength, a sixth sense (“spider-sense”) that alerts him to danger, perfect balance and equilibrium, as well as superhuman speed and agility. Some of his comic series have him shooting webs from his wrists.

Our model for today is a young and fresh cosplayer from the United Stated who (obviously) loves cosplay, plays music and LOVES BOBA MILK TEA! Her name is May Parker but goes with the pen name of “November Cosplay” You may describe her as your common female friend who loves to read books and listen to music but with a twist since she also loves cosplay and videogames! Which is very uncommon for wester females nowadays. She’s good and you may consider her a professional cosplayer, and she’s the type of cosplayer which focuses elegancy and cuteness (KAWAII) in cosplay but that doesn’t mean she don’t do sexy cosplay anymore.

What she cosplayed today is a female spider man and the fuuuudgee I really love both the photography and the cosplay itself. The tight suit of the spider girl cospaly is made out of spandex with a right combination of shine and matte and going back, I said earlier that not all spider girl cosplay I see in conventions are good right? Well, that’s because cosplaying spiderman is very hard since you also need the right body built, the lean type, to make the costume look good and that’s just what November did! Another thing is that her Eyes are very hypnotizing, I looked at this Spider Girl photo of her staring from down below and I was like staring back at her and just appreciating the photo.

November / May Parker is a fresh and beautiful cosplayer which I believe will have greater potential in the cosplay industry if she will continue to pursue it so let’s support her by liking her Facebook Page November Cosplay and following her on her Deviantart Art Page! I can see a great potential with this new cosplayer so I encourage you to support her.

Let’s not forget about the photographer, Estrada Photography! He really made this cosplayer tons better with the right application of effects and lightings, lets follow him on his Facebook Page and Twitter Account


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