Fun Inside Out Cosplay by thequeenoficedragons, fanaticalnerdgirl, spookiprince, ghcstgal, and iliketordles


Disney/Pixar has a penchant for creating colorful characters, and Inside Out used color symbolism to evoke specific moods and mindsets. The cosplayers in this cosplay really have that down. Disgust (thequeenoficedragons) is disdainful, Sadness (fanaticalnerdgirl) is anxious, Anger (spookiprince) is upset, Joy (ghcstgal) is ecstatic, and Fear (iliketordles) is nervous. I also love that these characters are chilling in a house rather than someone’s brain, since the Emotions remind me of my sometimes-dysfunctional friend group in high school and seeing them in a normal friend environment really drives the analogy home. What’s best about this cosplay is that clearly everyone was having fun, and that quality is irreplaceable.


Look who’s finally getting around to posting AI pictures
Disgust: thequeenoficedragons
Sadness: fanaticalnerdgirl
Anger: spookiprince
Joy: me
Fear: iliketordles


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