Annisse’s Kiriko Hattori Cosplay


I’ve seen really sexy costumes on Annisse, many of which have been said to be award-winning. So it should be no surprise that she makes and sells her own, particularly through her store Dame Fatale. But one of her latest is her Kiriko Hattari, the ninja from the sci fi anime series, Dai Shogun.

Annise debuted her costume at Comikaze in L.A. back in the fall. Although the body-suit is more blue in color unlike the character’s, which is violet, she still captured the brightness typical of much anime. She did her best job on the armor which she used Worbla to make, giving that metallic effect. She says it was her first full armor she made using the thermoplastic material. Annisse takes a great photo by posing in a heroic manner with her fists on her hips, giving a classic super-hero twist to Kiriko who more often is depicted with uplifted arms. Photographer Joel11011 did a good job with his angle shot making Annisse’s pose appear even more majestic.

To find out more about Annisse and her cosplays, tweet her @Girl6Latex!

Kiriko Hattori cosplayer

Kiriko Hattori of Dai Shogun

My 1st full armor Worbla cosplay debuted at Comikaze 2015.


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