Action-Packed Yuudachi Cosplay


In the original Kantai Collecion browser game, the battle scenes are pretty much left to the player’s imagination. It was only after the release of the anime, console games, and even arcade version that the players were provided with the eye candy they deserved. With this cosplay, however, it feels as though I’ve already been given a sneak peek from the live action movie version of the game.

I have honestly never thought a Yuudachi cosplay could ever create such an impact but Rakusaki’s portrayal of Kantai Collection’s poi master certainly has proven me wrong. Apart from the obvious fanservice in this cosplay photo, what really grabbed my attention was the digital edits in the photo to make it seem like she was in the middle of the sea in battle.

Feeling like being transported into the anime world whenever you see someone whose cosplay is of quality is one thing but seeing photographed cosplay that seemingly brings an inexistent 2D battle to life is another!


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