Missy American Horror Story Cosplay


The FX breakout series American Horror Story, now going into its seventh season, has proven once and for all that the horror genre isn’t dead. Telling terrifying tales that Alfred Hitchcock, the master of horror and suspense himself, would be impressed with a different setting and cast of characters each season.

Season two character, Missy Stone, has gone down as one of the most shocking and seductive characters the show has seen. Supposedly run down by Sister Jude she lived in secret allowing her “killer” to live with the shame. So when Cosplay Mate was designing a costume around Missy’s character turning her into a nun like the one who killed her was simply irresistible. It not only shames the hit and run driver Sister Jude but it brings our naughtiest fantasies about nuns to life.

This naughty nun has a bad habit of stripping off everything but her habit for us to enjoy.

missy american horror story cosplay


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