World of Warcraft’s Blood Elf Mage by Jessica Nigri


Today’s cosplay spotlight is the ever-so-sexy Jessica Nigri in her portrayal of World of Warcraft‘s Blood Elf Mage. I’m quite a big fan of World of Warcraft, having played (on and off) since its very inception. I was even a Closed Beta tester for a couple of weeks before the game launched. I played the game’s latest expansion Warlords of Draenor for a couple of months before getting burned out (as usual) and moving on to other gaming pastures. I’ll probably be back again, when the next expansion Legion rolls in next year. Enough of my nerdiness, though, and back to the most important topic at hand!

Arizona native Jessica Nigri is a legendary cosplayer and is basically a household name for epic costumes and epic cosplays. As expected, her Blood Elf Mage cosplay is no exception. Professional quality costuming and equally professional photography work. Just look at the intricate detailing and craftsmanship of her costume and compare it to the reference picture. And that body. Damn. This is definitively the best Blood Elf Mage cosplay right now! Jessica’s really at the top of her game with this. Seriously love this gal!

This cosplay shoot was done in the charming little town of Vinci in Tuscany, Italy. Jessica was invited as a guest for Festa dell’Unicorno (Unicorn Festival), a fantasy-themed festival celebration in the locality. Credits to the reference picture, taken from the awesome Guibb’s DeviantArt profile.

You can see more of Jessica Nigri’s cosplays over at her Facebook fanpage, or at her official website. She also has an online store for her cosplay and modeling prints. You can also follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

Jessica Nigri's Blood Elf Mage
Jessica Nigri's Blood Elf Mage
Jessica Nigri's Blood Elf Mage
WoW's Blood Elf Mage


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