Stacy’s Smart And Sexy Kinzie Cosplay


CosplayErotica has decided to present a great cosplay set that not only consists of a series of increasingly alluring images, but also a video that shows a lot of naughty stuff for your amusement as Stacy makes a fantastic job of portraying the sexy Saint Kizie Kensignton while wearing her jeans, the jacket she wore before joining The Saints, and matching purple underwear.

This gallery is one that I really enjoy, not only because of Stacy’s unquestionable gorgeousness, or her lively personality which becomes apparent on every image, but also because Kinzie Kensington has been a character that I have liked ever since her first appearance in the game Saints Row: The third. I mean, seriously, she is cool, smart and resourceful enough to gain your admiration, not to mention the fact that she is super-hot.

This creative presentation shows you the intellectual side of Kinzie at first, and then it goes to show you all the sexy stuff that she can do, letting you see that she is not only knowledgeable in computers, but also in the art of seduction.



Kinzie is introduced as a socially awkward young woman who is antisocial, witty, sarcastic and mock-serious. She is very lighthearted and youthfully cocky.





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