Cassie Leads Us on a Crystal Quest


Whether you’ve sworn your loyalty to the Alliance or prefer to plunder and pillage with the Horde, you’re probably powerless to Cassie’s charms. In this set for Cosplay Erotica, Cassie is ready to take on the Lich King as a Night Elf paladin.

World of Warcraft veterans will tell you that a night elf serving as a warrior of the Holy Light is an anomaly (although fans have clamored for the character combination for some time). Never one to conform to convention, Cassie is blazing the trail for us on this crystal quest and looking strong and seductive as she does it.

I know I have my /flirt emote at the ready.

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Cassie will hit your heart with Avenging Wrath as the rare Night Elf paladin from World of Warcraft. Via Cosplay Erotica


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