Lady Furiosa Cosplay – Marine Orthodox


I’ll admit I’ve been lurking on some Mad Max cosplayers ever since watching Fury Road, daydreaming of shaving my head, but I think I just found my new favorite cosplayer, Marine Orthodox. While I’ve seen better Furiosa make-up (this lady provides a helpful how-to, though downside is she crosses the look with Warboy– hot, but makes me twitch for purity’s sake), Marine gets the gold for dedication. She says:

She’s a Brazilian cosplayer– this shoot was done in Parque da Água Branca in São Paulo– so if any of you are locals, she’s looking for a few good Warboys and Wives. What a LOVELY day!

Some of the background is Photoshop, so does the part of the arm that should exist. All the rest is EVA foam, leather and hard work.


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