Let’s get some Red Queen Madness


The Red Queen has never been this mad. If you’ve played the latest Alice in Wonderland Game which is actually called Alice Madness in Wonderland you’ve probably have met the Red Queen but before that Alice Madness in Wonderland actually leaned on the much original story of Lewis Carroll where Alice’s wonderland is actually just a dream but in this version Alice was in a Asylum and was literally being manipulated psychologically by the doctor and all things that’s happening in the game was just a mental representation of what’s actually is happening, all the battles and stuff. Going back, out topic is the very gothic and cute Red Queen.

redqueen3_600_900_sThe Queen of Hearts is the corrupt, insane, murderous, and merciless dictator who had previously ruled Wonderland. She resides in her domain, Queensland, although her tentacles creep all throughout Wonderland. She is feared by all except Alice and the rebels. It is implied that the Queen may be somewhat of an avatar for Alice’s dead sister Lizzie, although the art book implies that she is mainly an avatar for Alice herself

The designers for Madness Returns originally wanted the Queen to resemble a dying woman, but American McGee suggested the final design instead. Her new form appears on the Queen of Hearts card that appears in the opening cinematic, while her old appearance shows up in Alice’s memories, and is used as her symbol throughout Queensland. Yaya Han made the costume in a week. The main dress consists of a separate bodice and 2 layers of skirt. The Crown is made out of worble and has magnets embedded inside to click the matching magnets sewn into a pouch in both wigs. The claws (which is my personal favorite of this cosplay) are extremely modified Halloween skeleton monster hands. She create an armature inside the fingers so they could be positioned and cut plastic nail tips into point for the claw look.

Yaya Han is an exceptional cosplayer with a great talent for both modelling and tailoring her costumes let’s at least support her by following her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube Channel and DeviantArt. Let’s also support her photographer Benny lee photography and follow her on twitter


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