Cute and Witty Hentai_Kitty


Hentai_Kitty is wearing a very cute light-blue outfit with a big pink bow on her chest, while she combines her makeup and hair color to match it. The way she does this is with a sunny color on her hair, and a subtle dash of blue makeup to bring out her cheeks, which kind of makes her look like she is actually a lovely character who escaped from a fun anime.

Being cute and charming is not the only thing she does with admirable skill on her show, because this gorgeous lady has lots of good things going on, like her sexy poses and fun interactions with you, with many interesting views and comments (like a few moments ago, when she pulled her top up and showed you her breasts in her bra, and playfully mentioned that her boobs were warm). Her shows are always very interesting because you can join her in some very fun conversations while she is openly displaying her dainty side.

There is another thing that works very well on her show: the music, because her selection of songs is enjoyable, and it also inspires her to sing along at times, which is fantastic because you get to hear more of her soft and sweet voice, which just adds to the magical scene she has going on.




Username: Hentai_Kitty
CamScore: 2273
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Always Different
Eyes: Green
Weight: 112 pounds
Height: 64 inches
Age: 21
Favorite Food: Sweets
Pets: Forever wishing for a cat
About Me: I’m a weeb, I love cosplay and japan, I’m dyslexic and scared of people, I really like glitter and pink stuff, oh and plussys.






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