Disney Introduces new Princess


Stand back, princesses, because there is a new princess about to break your usual perception of a princess. She does not have a castle, a prince, a crown but she is a daughter of a chief of a long line of navigators, which makes her a princess of their tribe.

This 3D movie is set to be released on November 23,2016 for Thanksgiving. Besides the fresh story of Moana, there are certain countries who are going to make slight adjustments to the story. For example, in Italy, the title will be changed to Oceania and the name of the protagonist will be Vaiana, presumably to avoid confusion with an Italian porn star of the same name, Moana Pozzi.

Many controversies were encountered by Disney as well, including the Polynesians being upset about how Maui, the demi-god in the movie, looks like because in their books, he’s attractive and “beautiful” but they perceive him as fat and ugly on the trailer. People came to Disney’s defense as well, stating that a man that big who carries a big weapon and strength beyond man’s strength, should normally have big bulky bodies.

I think this is going to be a great movie, featuring a Polynesian princess, and the movie will surely be released no matter what controversies they may encounter.


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