Ari Dee swings in as Robin


Ari Dee pulls out all stops for the Carrie Kelley shoot. Kelley was ‘the’ big female Robin. She appears from the mind of Frank Miller (if you haven’t read his books–you need to stop what you are doing and go get them. Now! One of my biggest gripes (and they are Legion) about the new BvS is how it craps over certain story lines). What we see here is a rather faithful rendition of the character. It was great to see Ari Dee relax in her room during SD Comic Con. I think behind the scenes at most Cons could fill an entire fansite, and this was rather cool to see.

She is fantastic as Robin and a lot of this shoot really works. I love it is a selfie shoot. It is Ari Dee posing for herself. It brings the shoot to a place where we can all relate to–and it works oh so well. It makes the character ‘real’ and it makes these photos really intimate. Selfies are a form of true artistic expression and I am very glad to see the art used here.

Another aspect that really stands out is, well, the over-all feel of the shoot. When we see the posing and facial expressions, Ari Dee gives us, it opens up a new dimension for the character. We aren’t witnessing some cardboard version of the comic–we are seeing ink made as flesh and blood. In fact, this works so well, her Robin cosplay makes me question my own adult roleplay. Picture it. Would you roleplay as Batman to Ari Dee’s Robin? I usually draw a few lines, but this is one I might cross.

When I first saw the pictures of Ari Dee dressed as the Carrie Kelley (Frank Miller ftw!) Robin, I thought it was my friend Cat. That reminded me that Kelley does later become Catgirl in the comic books. Maybe we will be treated with the continued appearance of Ari Dee and all of Carrie Kelley’s alter egos. We can dream, can’t we?

Carrie Kelly
Me cosplaying as Carrie Kelley from Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns. Carrie Kelley was the first female Robin, after Batman saves her after he comes out of retirement, she uses her lunch money to buy a Robin costume. Batman nearly gets killed by a huge gang of mutants and after both him and Carrie Kelley survive, he fully accepts her as the new Robin. Watch me strip down out of my Robin cosplay in my San Diego hotel during Comic-Con International.


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