Prometheus or Aliens?


I was checking the internet before and I’m pretty sure I’ve read Prometheus 2 and now all I can see is Alien: Covenant. Admit it, the creature really looks like it’s same creature that was featured in the original Alien back in 1979, although the director, Ridley Scott, promises that this one is different.

Prometheus itself was already confusing and had a lot of plot holes, also not to mention very little in common with the recognizable universe of the movie Alien but Scott clarified that Prometheus was only the first part of a trilogy leading up to Alien. It is the same universe, afterall, so that makes sense. Therefore, Prometheus 2 is now Alien : Covenant.

It’s just sad on how Prometheus did not perform well but maybe this is the reason why Scott is alternating the movie to lead it to Aliens. With Michael Fassbender on the cast, I’m sure that this movie will be interesting. Finally showing the world of Aliens that is related to Prometheus is a smart move and hopefully, although this smart move caused confusion to the audience, it will perform better than Prometheus. Alien : Covenant is scheduled to be released on August 4, 2017.


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