

When MeMeMe! rolled around no one could take their eyes off of the beautiful girls that cascaded across the screen with mesmerizing movements, sexual tones, and poping colors. Of course the big, underlying meaning of the song caught many, but how could anyone not be hooked by said blue haired girls? The bigger question is how anyone could not be caught by Jackie, a cosplayer and artist who showcases their cosplays on youtube and Instagram. She cosplayed the blue haired girl(s) in the music video MeMeMe! who are the personification of what hooks people into the hikikomori life style.

First seen as adorable, idol like girls who innocently dance to an electronic pop tune, they turn around into fetishized and very sexual dancers to a droned out beat. While a small part to the bigger story, these girls embody how average people get sucked into the adorable moe look as well as the sexual tones so much anime, manga, and games show until they are hooked and would rather indulge in it then real human interaction.

An artist indeed, Jacki created this cosplay by herself with a little help by her mother, her skills winning her the Judges Award at Shumatsucon‘s Masquerade. Jackie decided on this adorable, but sexy cosplay after her initial cosplay was too complex to put together in her time span. Ask anyone and I’m sure they’ll agree it was a great choice!
She says,

I think if I could change anything I’d like it to be a little bit shorter. I’d also like to add elastic so it fits me better

While I agree there’s always room for improvement there’s no doubting the cosplay already looks great on her. Her wig was a spot on blue, and her makeup captured the look of her character. While the original MeMeMe character is nothing less than eye catching, Jackie would be my first call for a live action of the music video.


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