Brunette_Beth brings a friend in for Batman vs Superman action


I was cruising the chat rooms when I came across this great pair of hostesses. One was dressed at Batman, the other was dressed as Superman. I think this is the best darn Superman v Batman idea I have seen in a long time. Brunette_Beth is really working a smart angle here now. Brunette Beth seems like a really fun and natural chat hostess. I am not too sure who her friend is, but she is adding a lot to the show and not just as a foil to work in the Bat v Super angle.

I really enjoy rooms that seem natural and spontaneous and this one ranks right up there. Right now they are doing a bit of shots, but the locations of the drinks are a hot topic. I wonder which location will eventually win out? Yes, it just might come down to a body shot or two before the night is done. Maybe we’ll see something like that develop, but the only way to see any of this is to come on in!

UK, United Kingdom
25, Caucasian
Tags: cute, boobs, nice ass, curvy, nice smile, pretty, sexy, brunette, natural,


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