Forget the Veela, the Irish have Anastassia


Alright, so maybe I am listening to a most wonderful audiobook version of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Maybe when the Veela were described during the Ireland match, I might have also looked over the GodsGirls shoot and Anastassia’s St Patrick Day’s outfit. All Pottermore aside, I really think Anastassia could give the Veela a run for their money. This shoot is the perfect example of what I mean.

Anastassia starts off wearing a full length dress, a green-top hat, her glasses, and stockings that go up rather high. In this outfit (and various stages of changing out of the outfit without going fully nude–but showing everything in it’s time), she starts out looking innocent. She goes through a charming stage, this is a stage where you’d most likely say “ohhh, look how cute!” and she flirts with the fun of it all with smiles and beaming eyes galore. Then she starts turning towards a naughty side. In a flash, she’s biting on the shamrock. In another moment, she’s showing what the dress hides–top, bottom, front, and back. Then, even when she’s exposing a few inches of her well hid tattoos, she comes back as the charming girl-next-door type.

You all know I am a big (tall, rather) Anastassia fan. This shoot by Gods Girls demonstrates why you need to be one too (tall or short, hey, who’s judging?). Anastassia is a magical model who ‘gets it’. She can go from charming girl-next-door to vixen in a shutter stroke. She really is one to watch. Speaking of watching, I can’t show you here because of the naughybits, but she’s got some great thigh ink. If you get a chance, you really need to check this shoot out. You won’t be sorry.

Note: HA! I just noticed I can’t show you the picture where she is biting the shamrock. I guess my focus was a bit too ‘high’ on the photo and didn’t see, well, she’s sorta pantiless. Ooops. Guess you’ll have to click on over to see that one.

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Coffee consumer, dream crusher
About Me
Why Im a GodsGirl
Because GodsGirls are sexy, smart, and full of personality. They may have pretty faces but that isn’t all there is… They’ve got soul!
Superhero Power
Boob missiles
Sexual fantasy
To be alone with myself – I know what I want better than anyone else.
Weapon of Choice
I can kill you with my brain.
Vidya games, cleaning, reading, walks with the pup, interneting
Skinny Puppy, Ministry, Ohgr, LCD Sound System, Tycho, Asking Alexandria, Death Cab for Cutie, Shpongle, ATB, The Beatles, CCR, Hank Williams
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, God Bless America, The Craft, The Rescuers, Disney (the old stuff), Serenity, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and so much more!
‘The Bell Jar’, ‘The Metamorphosis’, The Harry Potter series…
Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job!, American Horror Story
LostFish, Mark Ryden
Indian cuisine… Om nom nom
Highschool graduate as well as an Associates in Medical Science.. That I don’t use.
So pale you can almost see through me
mar 02
Who I Idolize
My dog. He gets to sleep all day and is cute 24/7, he doesn’t even have to try!
I want to be surrounded by puppies and kittens while being hand fed white chocolate covered strawberries and watching Dr. Who
Bedtime attire
I’m all skin, baby
Nerdy Secret Pleasure
Lookin’ for love in Alderaan places!
My Favorite GodsGirls
Skin, Apneatic, Blath, Vex
Unicorn or Pegasus?
Pegasus, who sprang from the blood of his mother Medusa’s neck
if Patrick Duffy was shooting lazers at you how would you defend yourself?
Call upon a horde of Daleks


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