Anastassia in Santa Baby


I’ve had a rough week. To have an Anastassia review for the night before Christmas really is a gift. This Gods Girls Santa Baby shoot is, well, darn right fantastic. This photo set from GodsGirls features Anastassia and she’s wearing, ummm, a hat. Yes, there is definitely a Christmas Santa hat type thing in this shoot. I think she’s also wearing red and white stockings. She was wearing panties, but those were gone by photo 14, her black corset really only covers her belly button and she’s topless through the entire shoot.

You know I said I’d almost never ever eeevvvvverrrrr use one of those “NSFW” stamps, right? Almost. This is the one time I have used it. Why? Because none–not one–of the 50 or so pictures are safe for work. Unless, of course, your work is for Sexy Fandom! AHAHA! I get to see all of the greatness that is Anastassia! Why did I finally break down and use these bad boys? Well, she’s gorgeous. Sorry, that’s the truth. Her face could have a career of its own. Her eyes are expressive, her posing is energetic and warm, and she seriously kicks butt. There was no way (SFW be darned) I couldn’t share these with you. However–do yourself a favor and run (don’t walk) over to GodsGirls, fork over the dough (unless you are a subscriber and if you aren’t, why aren’t you!? Don’t you want to see Anastassia untouched, unspoiled from SFW banners?) and sign yourself into a great Christmas.

For the record, the *Best* Santa Baby cover (song, not photoshoot) is from the Las Vegas band of Inside Scarlet. They are no longer together, but if you google you can find a few of their live songs and an odd recording (it’s worth the type search).

Relationship Status
Sexy Orientation
Coffee consumer, dream crusher
About Me
Why Im a GodsGirl
Because GodsGirls are sexy, smart, and full of personality. They may have pretty faces but that isn’t all there is… They’ve got soul!
Superhero Power
Boob missiles
Sexual fantasy
To be alone with myself – I know what I want better than anyone else.
Weapon of Choice
I can kill you with my brain.
Vidya games, cleaning, reading, walks with the pup, interneting
Skinny Puppy, Ministry, Ohgr, LCD Sound System, Tycho, Asking Alexandria, Death Cab for Cutie, Shpongle, ATB, The Beatles, CCR, Hank Williams
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, God Bless America, The Craft, The Rescuers, Disney (the old stuff), Serenity, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and so much more!
‘The Bell Jar’, ‘The Metamorphosis’, The Harry Potter series…
Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job!, American Horror Story
LostFish, Mark Ryden
Indian cuisine… Om nom nom
Highschool graduate as well as an Associates in Medical Science.. That I don’t use.
So pale you can almost see through me
mar 02
Who I Idolize
My dog. He gets to sleep all day and is cute 24/7, he doesn’t even have to try!
I want to be surrounded by puppies and kittens while being hand fed white chocolate covered strawberries and watching Dr. Who
Bedtime attire
I’m all skin, baby
Nerdy Secret Pleasure
Lookin’ for love in Alderaan places!
My Favorite GodsGirls
Skin, Apneatic, Blath, Vex
Unicorn or Pegasus?
Pegasus, who sprang from the blood of his mother Medusa’s neck
if Patrick Duffy was shooting lazers at you how would you defend yourself?
Call upon a horde of Daleks


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