Kati3 Kat Seeking Tinfoil


Kati3 Kat has quite the plush collection. I was thinking this one was maybe a lemur, but I think it might be a different sort of critter. Anyway, Kati3 Kat looks very cute cuddling her various plushes. You can also see Owlculus playing in the background, although Kati3 Kat says she has to try to ignore that when she plays with the fox tail she is wearing because the movie is scary. She says that, if she gets to ranking #69, she is going to cover herself in tinfoil. I’m not sure what made her think of tinfoil, but, with the way the ranking of performers on this site works, I would not be surprised if this beauty made it to #1.

Shoutout to Malf for making it rain!





Edit: Ha, ha, the movie is Oculus. And here I was hoping for Owlculus.

Username: Kati3Kat
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Eyes: Green
Weight: 1000 pounds
Height: 63 inches
Age: 21
City: Fantasy Land
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Favorite Food: Pizza, sushi, burritos
Tags: blue hair, petite, mermaid, long hair, skinny, talkative


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