Lexxi Star Spinning Batman


It has been quite a while since I have covered sexy Lexxi Star on here. I guess I’ve just been online different times. The last time I wrote her up was Optimus Lexi Star Loves Darth Vader Teddy Bear, so you know she does a creative and interesting show. (I think maybe she added another x to her name and that is why she wasn’t in my favorites any more.) Tonight, Lexxi Star is making suggestive mouth moves with a Batman mask. Plus she is running a complicated spinner wheel game. So the usual 😉

lexxistar wheel of fortune cam

lexxistar batman cam

lexxistar batman cam

Name: LexxiStar
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Asian
Weight: 102 pounds
Height: 61 inches
Age: 24
City: A Sleepless City = ]
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: MFC Model // Cookie Dealer
Pets: Riley & Unagi … R.I.P Marley <33
Car: 2004 STi
My Favorite Models: LexxiStar


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