Cassie bends a bit of water Katara style


CosplayErotica brings us Cassie dressed up in all the water bending glory. I really love the way the water feels fluid in the still pictures. I remember watching Avatar (cartoon, not the movie based on the cartoon) and there are times that I really enjoyed each set. I never thought I’d see a grown up Katara on a site that I get to review. The costume is pretty sharp. I mean everything from the way the fabric looks against the computer generated effects to the style itself. I especially love the blue gem in the necklace. It gives a bit of a twist off of the usual pendant style jewellery and I love it.

Another thing I love is the model herself. The poses are pretty well done (coming from a guy who just spend 1.30 today doing various martial arts) and the acting she does within each shot is worthy of mention. Also worthy of mention is how seductive she can be bending that water and taking off her clothes. Her body is a great mixture of tightness and innocence. To see what I mean, you might have to get the nude pictures, but here is a small sample for you.


Cassie as Katara from Avatar. Katara is sexy, devoted and passionate in this situation.


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