Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day


I’m told the State of California has officially recognized Talk Like a Pirate Day as a real holiday. I’m not sure if that means you will get good sahrrrrrrrrrrrvice at the DMV if you Arrrrrrrr a lot and have a parrot on your shoulder and stink of rum. But it is certainly worth a try.

I expect to see a lot of pirate costumes today. Anna Molli is the first I’ve seen live on cam, but I’m sure she won’t be the last of the day.

annamolli talk like a pirate day

Name: AnnaMolli
CamScore: 8629.5
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Weight: 120 pounds
Height: 67 inches
Age: 24
City: Your Mom’s House
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Moderate
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Naked Lady
Favorite Food: Macaroni & Cheese
Pets: A doggy named Ein ^^
About Me:
My Favorite Models: D0mino Violet xWildThingx KittyWilde Kota_Morgue Miss_Heidi
Five Things I Can’t Live Without: sex, Grey Goose vodka, computer, Hitachi, waffles
Favorite Books: Fathom, Locke & Key, Berserk
What I Like To Do For Fun: World of Warcraft, The Sims 3, Silent Hill, God of War, Devil May Care
Favorite Television: Dexter, True Blood, House, The Venture Brothers, Family Guy
Favorite Songs: Innerpartysystem – Don’t Stop
Favorite Movies: Vampire Hunter D, The Machinist, Splice, 28 Days Later, American Psycho, The Cell, Kill Bill, Watchmen, Labyrinth, The Last Unicorn, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Orphanage


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