Do you have any idea how hard it is to insure a Death Star?


Most pop culture LOLtext mashups are tedious, but this one posted at Theme ta Picture is really cute. Admittedly I like Darth Vader a lot. Like really a lot. Perhaps more than is average, even among dork girls who love festishy, dominant, black-clad bad boys.

death star insurance

My boyfriend Darth Vader: I’m trying to find someone to insure my Death Star.

Progressive Insurance Rockabilly Lady: We can insure anything! What condition is it in?

[Cut to picture of effed-up post-rebellion attack Death Star.]

Progressive Insurance Rockabilly Lady: It looks a little banged up.

My boyfriend Darth Vader: Yep.

Progressive Insurance Rockabilly Lady: You must have kids.

Progressive Insurance Rockabilly Lady: Bingo.


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