Sexy Fandom: Auch Nerds haben Phantasien


fandom observerLooks like we’ll be adding the Fandom Observer to our linklist. is a German site for the long-running magazine of the same name. Their beat of course has an eye on all that is important. I swear the German for “also nerds have fantasies” sounds like a made-up version of what Americans think German should be. To wit, “auch nerds haben phantasien”. Awesome. Please visit the original site, if you know German at all. For the more monolingual, you can check out a Babelfish translation, with all that linguistically implies, below. Thanks, FandomOberserver Mueller Manfred! Sexy Fan Cathedral appreciates the kind words.

Sexy fan cathedral: Also Nerds have fantasies
Published on 29 April 2012 of muellermanfred

Sexy fan cathedral blogAt the latest since the success of The Big Bang Theory knows the world that also Nerds and Geeks do not only have feelings, but also sexual needs. Running gag in our dearest Nerd Sitcom it is not more popular from approximate that one must wait with the need satisfaction evenly up to the next Comiccon. The waiting period up to then to shorten was written Sexy fan cathedral on the flags, a blog, which concerns itself excluding and comprehensively with Nerd fantasies. One limits however not to bare making a blueprint of Gothic girls with Nerdbrillen, as already since longer do some Pornoseiten, but proves themselves Insiderkenntnisse, which go beyond the bare admiration of princess Leia in Metallbikini Lookalikes far. And it is not now really like that, as if are asexuell fantastic category, only because some of its fans arouse this appearance

Cosplay is naturally a large topic, but the Blogposts concerns itself quite contentwise with announced media, although the hautlastigen kidnaps advertising on the left of the visitor all together on relevant sides. The winking, a basic clay/tone, which distinguishes Sexy fan cathedral , is pleasant. Funny Surftip thus, an address, which one should head for occasionally times:

– > Sexy fan cathedral


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