Purple Alien Lands on DVD


Home Media Retailing, the trade magazine for the DVD market, just ran an interesting article about how Stephen Root got involved with Tripping the Rift. Root is probably best known, at least to SexyFandom readers, for his Have you seen my stapler? character in the movie Office Space, but he is one of our most accomplished voice actors. On King of the Hill, he voices regular characters Bill Dauterive and Buck Strickland, as well as a variety of additional animated Texans. Root has given sound to cartoons on Kim Possible, Ice Age, American Dad, and Buzz Lightyear of Star Command and more. When he saw the five minute demo for Tripping the Rift, he tells HRM, ““I thought it was beautiful,” he said. “They asked, ‘Do you want to play Chode?’ I said, ‘What’s Chode?’ They told me it’s the name of the space between your … ‘Oh, that’s the name of that!’”” Root also told HRM that he is big into sci-fi and enjoyed comic books from the 60’s.

I don’t usually post about the trade magazines I read for my day job, but Home Media Retailing often provides interesting insights into the DVD and related products market. You may also be interested to know that cyperpunk level evil overlord online corporation Netflix is suing cyperpunk level evil overlord brick and mortar corporation Blockbuster to keep them off the internet. (via Home Media Retailing)


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