Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention Humor Punk Style


Although my fur bikini days are behind me, all this talk of faire made me look up some of the things which remind me of those days. When I was going to cons, BLT or Black Leather Times was a little photocopied zine that made people either laugh or tear their hair out. I think every issue had a specific theme. At any rate, the conventions issue is archived online at this link. There is a funny interactive quiz to determine whether you take healthy care of yourself when you go to conventions. There are Helpful Hints for Misanthropic Sexpots. There is a hilarious Convention Lexicon and Phrase Book where most expressions are invitations to cavort in the sheets. Or at least sexually cavort somewhere. I especially like the Con-Sex Purity Test/Checklist which included entries such as #11 In the hotel lobby bathroom and #12 With someone that at least five people you know have slept with, but that you have never slept with before and #26 With hotel staff to keep from being thrown out. Writers include some of the allstars who went on to do Blue Blood and White Wolf.

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