Kira AKA KristieBish Has Decided To Roast Lionel Tonight


Kira has returned from the depths of emo heaven, complete with a blonde and black combination that would bring out the feistiest of My Chemical Romance fan, except KristieBish has decided it’s time to roast poor Lionel.

And by that I do mean a roast: his arms, his mane, his talking, his walking and even his existence like that one Tim Allen line- but I shall not say it, because Lionel is the most precious. The very gothy/emo shtick she has going on works perfectly with the monotonous voice and I do appreciate seeing just a little bit of sass coming out of her with each and every line.

Friday the 13th brings with it many sinister things and for KristieBish that means bringing Kira out from hiding, the scariest thing of them all.

Kira AKA KristieBish Has Decided To Roast Lionel Tonight

Kira AKA KristieBish Has Decided To Roast Lionel Tonight

Kira AKA KristieBish Has Decided To Roast Lionel Tonight

KristieBish writes:

All we wanna do is make you smile!


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