CAMILYWEEN Indulges In The Rocky Horror Picture Show


I’ve never actually seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show and I know how much of a classic it is, so what better way to experience the movie than with CAMILYWEEN and her plethora of jokes and quips that just make the movie even funnier to experience?

What’s great about her shows is the pauses she makes in between for some silliness and goofiness, before bam, we’re all back in the eerie mansion of Dr. Frank-N-Furter who just so happens to be really into cutting some limbs up while also singing a whole lot of songs during it, which is a great pass time if I may so add.
CAMILYWEEN also does that, minus the limbs, although it seems like the knife going through her head may say otherwise.

CAMILYWEEN Indulges In The Rocky Horror Picture Show

CAMILYWEEN Indulges In The Rocky Horror Picture Show

CAMILYWEEN Indulges In The Rocky Horror Picture Show


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