Cosplay Erotica’s Stacy Goes Bounty Hunting As Boba Fett


Nothing scratches my itch for all things cool quite like a few good Star Wars cosplays and I’m always up for seeing a crime lord, former bounty hunter, ultimate galactic stallion and probable galaxy explorer turned rogue, which is why I’m very happy to be seeing Cosplay Erotica getting Stacy into the shoes of Boba Fett!

In their usual style, I love the way that this photoshoot looks from the background to the colors and the costume itself. While Boba usually has a bit of a different type of gear on him, what I love about this version is just how much homage it pays to the original while also adding a few new elements, and fewer clothes on some ends while also keeping the theme and the important helmet on.

Cosplay Erotica have done another fantastic job with galactic bounty huntress Stacy!

Cosplay Erotica’s Stacy Goes Bounty Hunting As Boba Fett

Cosplay Erotica’s Stacy Goes Bounty Hunting As Boba Fett

Cosplay Erotica’s Stacy Goes Bounty Hunting As Boba Fett

Cosplay Erotica’s Stacy Goes Bounty Hunting As Boba Fett

Cosplay Erotica’s Stacy Goes Bounty Hunting As Boba Fett

Cosplay Erotica writes:

Boba Fett was a renowned human male Mandalorian bounty hunter of Clan Fett whose career spanned decades, from the fall of the Galactic Republic to the end of the rule of the Galactic Empire and the era that followed where he ascensed as ruler of Mandalore.


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