SarahMinage Is A Class A Hinata


When it comes to pin-point perfect cosplays, SarahMinage has it in the bag with this one as she sets the stage to become the most powerful character in Naruto. Speaking of, she seems to have a severed Naruto head sitting next to her (albeit in pillow form) but that’s quite the dominance asserting that I’ve seen.

When it comes to her own outfit, she’s got things spot on – from the webbed net on her chest, the purple hoodie on top, the black outfit and the milky eye in one side – it looks like she’s taking this battle as seriously as she can. And as someone who’s a huge fan of anything anime cosplay related and especially Naruto, it makes me happy to know that SarahMinage is bringing out all the stops for today’s cosplay!

SarahMinage Is A Class A Hinata

SarahMinage Is A Class A Hinata

SarahMinage Is A Class A Hinata

Real Name: Sarah
Followers: 51290
Birth Date: Feb. 23, 1998
Age: 23
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Men, Women, Trans, Couples
Location: colombia


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