Happy Cammiversary Month, Catjira!


One of the first times I ever came across Catjira work, some years ago, she was cosplaying. Specifically she was cosplaying Bambi’s mom, with a bullet hole in her forehead. I instantly loved both her sense of humor and her cosplayer style. Various writers from Sexy Fandom had already noticed her fun costume livestreams, including shows paying homage to Clockwork Orange and Pokemon. Tonight, Catjira is celebrating her five year cammiversary, in a cowgirl getup, playing classic rock, and kicking things off with the winners of her most recent raffle. (And also eating orange-colored snack food, which her dog thinks he wants, even though he probably does not really want to eat it.) Stop by and wish her well. Happy cammiversary month, Catjira!


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