VampireHottie Decides Her Own Destiny


We’re back in space ladies and gentlemen, back to pick out our characters and get the show on the road. In the middle of it all stands Captain VampireHottie, who in all her brilliance has come online to give us Earthlings a taste of how good her skills is. Destiny 2 was never something I played myself so it’s nice to have her come in and give me and everyone else the ropes – but mostly the cool effects, let’s be honest.

This brunette cutie has her glasses on, her headphones in and she’s ready to take this battle to the next level, she just needs someone to join her and co-op this mission together. Seeing as she is online right now, give her a visit!

VampireHottie Decides Her Own Destiny

VampireHottie Decides Her Own Destiny

VampireHottie Decides Her Own Destiny

♡ MFC Cam Model ♡ NSFW! (18+) Gamer | Twitch Streamer | Weirdo | Internet Nerd | Vampire


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