Is Ender’s Game Porn?


enders gameSo I was just sitting around googling “sci fi porn” like I do. And I got a hit on the Wall Street Journal. As I don’t usually find that WSJ comes up on that search, my curiosity was piqued. (Usually what comes up on that search are a bunch of tube sites which do not actually have any scifi porn and one old io9 article.)

Apparently, back in March, some kid in the Deep South came home and told his mommy that his teacher read him pornographic Ender’s Game and his mommy complained to both the school and the police and the teacher got suspended. If you are not familiar with Ender’s Game, it is clearly YA fiction. It won a lot of awards back in Olden Tymes, when I was growing up. The only way it would scar someone age-appropriate to read it is with its suck. Purists claim that it was one of the inspirations for Harry Potter. I would argue that kid-finds-out-he-is-special is more of a genre than a singular idea. But essentially, if you have read Harry Potter and you have not read Ender’s Game, imagine a version of Harry Potter which is less readable and has stupid politics and takes place in a typical space opera universe instead of a typical fantasy universe. Presto, now you do not need to read Ender’s Game. If you avoid reading Ender’s Game, apparently this makes you more qualified to teach in South Carolina. Ick. I guess maybe you’d be more literate reading it after all.

In all fairness, a lot of people love this book, just not, you know, me. And it is not porn. Like not at all.


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