Whimsical Crossover Star Wars and Frozen Cosplay by LifeofShel and Maid of Might Cosplay


This Frozen/Star Wars crossover cosplay might just be the best thing ever. Might beat Frozen/Game of Thrones. I don’t know. I suspect I never will. LifeofShel plays “Hanna Solo,” while Maid of Might Cosplay plays “Slave Elsa.” The names prove that puns, indeed, can reach great heights. This looks like a hella fun time, and I’d very much like to know where the pictures were taken. (My best guess is either Orlando or Los Angeles.) The only downside is negligible, and that’s the concept of pairing “Hanna” and “Elsa” together when they’re sisters (slightly creepy). At least it’s super easy to ignore. Well, it was before I mentioned it. Whoops…

Elsa and Anna

Hanna Solo
Slave Elsa


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